News list for " ypfb"

Bolivian state-owned energy company YPFB will use cryptocurrency to pay for energy imports

Bolivia's state-owned energy company, YPFB, will begin using cryptocurrencies to pay for energy imports. YPFB hopes to directly address the country's shortage of dollars and insufficient foreign exchange reserves by using cryptocurrencies.

2025-03-12 14:51:53
玻利维亚国有能源公司 YPFB 将使用加密货币支付能源进口费用

玻利维亚国有能源公司 YPFB 将开始使用加密货币支付能源进口。YPFB 希望通过使用加密货币直接解决该国美元短缺和外汇储备不足的问题。

2025-03-12 14:51:53